About Us


Hi, nice to meet you. If you’re anything like me, you love to bore friends and family with constant film talk because you don’t know many film fans.

This blog was designed as a place for me to meet fellow film enthusiasts to rant, rave and discuss upcoming releases and old classics without annoying anyone around me. So if you’re the same way, or if you just love to talk about movies, welcome!


Favourite Movie(s)? Kick-Ass, Inception, Jojo Rabbit, Back to the Future, Se7en, Spider-Man 2, Revenge of the Sith, The Wolf of Wall Street, Perfect Blue.

Favourite Director(s)? Taika Waititi, David Fincher, Martin Scorsese.

Any Anticipated Movies? Check blog posts for anticipated movies lists.

Upcoming Projects

  • Discord Server
  • Movie Nights
  • Podcast
  • Twitch/Gaming
  • More Writers